Recruiting Process

Step 1: Schedule kick-off Meeting

  • Client Analysis: As part of a kick-off meeting, we meet face-to-face with the hiring manager and other others involved in the hiring process (if geographically convenient), and/or we have an extensive phone consultation with appropriate team members to learn more detail about your company, including but not limited to your business model, company goals, product/services offered, company culture, leadership, technology, and competition. We make it our business to learn your business so we can accurately "sell" the company to candidates.
  • Position Analysis: We learn details about the position, including but limited to responsibilities, core skills/qualifications required vs. desired, education requirements, reporting structure, reason position is available, compensation, growth opportunities, travel requirements, client-facing responsibilities, and departments/other disciplines this position will interface with.
  • Develop/refine position description: We can also develop and/or refine the position description to be used as part of the recruiting process, since many of our clients know what they are looking for, but do not have the time to develop a detailed description. We make it our business to learn this position in great detail so we can identify the ideal candidate and accurately represent the position to candidates.

Step 2: Develop recruiting plan

  • We develop a detailed recruiting plan based on information gathered from the kick-off meeting. This will be used as our roadmap to identify the appropriate sources for the candidate pool.
  • In additional to our extensive candidate database that includes both active and passive candidates, we perform intense networking using a variety of methods, we draw on referrals, and we do extensive research to identify additional industry and position specific sources for talent.

Step 3: Source and screen candidates

  • Using our focused recruiting plan, we begin sourcing and screening candidates using a variety of methods to include but not limited to searching our comprehensive, proprietary candidate database, extensive networking, referrals, member affiliations, internet research, and powerful candidate databases.
  • This is an iterative and detailed process and we select and/or eliminate candidates based on extensive evaluation and thorough interviewing to assess the following, but not limited to: a candidate's hard and soft skills, accomplishments, strengths, areas of improvement, cultural fit, type of position candidate is seeking, and compensation requirements.
  • We provide detailed information to candidates regarding the company and opportunity, and we review the position in great detail to assess if there is mutual interest and match.
  • Once we identify a very strong candidate(s), we conduct 1-2 professional references for these selected candidates to gain additional insight in their work performance, accomplishments, strengths and areas for improvement, to solidify their candidacy before submission.
  • We will never submit a candidate who has not gone through our interview process.

Step 4: Present qualified candidates

  • We present the resume(s) of only those qualified candidates. In addition to the resume, we provide a summary outlining to include their relevant skills/qualifications, why they have interest in pursuing further, and compensation.

Step 5: Coordinate interviews

  • After client review of candidate's resume and interest, we coordinate phone and/or onsite interviews with client and candidate(s).
  • We focus on streamlining and managing the entire interview process

Step 6: Communicate/Follow up

  • We serve as the liaison between our client and our candidate, and we are diligent about timely follow up and feedback with our clients and candidates.
  • We follow up with our client and candidate to get feedback on the results of the interview and discuss strengths, weaknesses, cultural fit and interest level of both parties.
  • If there's mutual interest in proceeding, we discuss and handle next steps with our candidate based on our client's schedule.
  • If our client is not interested, we discuss where the candidate fell short and make any adjustments to the candidate profile/recruiting strategy and interview process, if necessary. We also provide feedback to the candidate and inform them there is no further interest.
  • If the candidate is not interested, we share this feedback with the client and make any adjustments to the interview process or style, if necessary.

Step 7: Conduct References

  • Once the client has selected the candidate of choice, we will inform the candidate to confirm they are interested in proceeding to the next step.
  • We will conduct three professional references, and document and present the summary of these references to our client for review.

Step 8: Handle Job offers

  • We discuss the compensation and benefits package our client wants to offer the candidate, and communicate this with the candidate. We have had great success in pre-closing a candidate before an official offer is extended.
  • Based on the client's policies, we extend the offer on behalf of our client, or the hiring manager and/or HR extends the offer.
  • We follow up with our client and candidate to confirm sign-off on acceptance letter and identify a start date that's suitable for both parties.

Step 9: Post placement follow-up

  • We do an initial follow up with the candidate and client two weeks after the start date to get feedback, and follow up again 30 days later to get feedback and ensure the transition is working well for both parties.
  • We will address any potential issues with both parties and identify an action plan, if necessary.